September 18 Journal entry

 What did you do to help yourself in this class? Did it help you?

I started going to a more quitter place to be able to put more attention and hear better, it did help me because I wasn't focusing on the noises in the background instead my attention was 100% in the class.

September 16 Journal topic

 Can a person love someone or something too much?

Yes. I think that sometimes people love someone or something so much that it becomes unhealthy for them; theres nothing wrong with giving some love but when it starts affecting you then its not right. 

September 15 Journal entry

 Describe a change in your life. It can be major or no big deal. It can be positive or negative. The important thing is to describe how things became different, and how you experienced the process. 

A change in my life was when I moved out of my aunts house and moved into a different one with just my family, things got better because we don't have to be sharing anything with anyone else; there is also less arguments.

September 14 Journal topic

 In many cultures there are rituals that signify when a child becomes an adult. How can you tell in our culture? By age? Getting a driver's license? Voting? Be sure to explain your answer.

I think that a child becomes an adult by their age but it doesn't specifically mean when they're out of their teen years, but when I think of an adult it is in the age of 25 and up.

September 11 Journal entry

 Time to get stoked. Imagine that you have the magic wand. You get to do or be anything you want to do, and all you have to do is make up your mind that nothing will stop you. So, the question is: What will you do? What will you be?

My dream job was to be a flight attendant, I really liked the idea of not having a scheduled time to work and being able to fly long distances, but theres a required height and I haven't grown in the past two years so theres no hope. But if I could do anything it would be to grow taller so that I could work as a flight attendant. 

September 10 Journal topic

 Describe a moment when something unexpected happened and you learned from it.

An unexpected moment that happened was when I had a math quiz and I was supposed to study for it the night before but I unexpectedly fell asleep and didn't wake up till the next morning the same day we were doing the quiz; I learned that its ok to study the night before an exam but to not leave it to the night.

September 9 Journal topic

 Which would you prefer: a minor role in a great [movie/university/team/organization] or a major role in a mediocre one?

I would prefer a minor role on a great team because even if I was just a small role I feel like I would still really like working with them and I'm not a very outgoing person so I'm just always kind of there and I like being a more quite person.

September 8 Journal entry

 Your friends invite you to a fancy restaurant in San Francisco-- all expenses paid! The waiter brings you a soda, calls you "sir" or "miss" and hands you a menu. With horror you realize that every dish consists of insects in different sauces! What will you do?

I would probably choose the plate that seems more realistic to eat and try to not think of what I'm actually eating, or every time I take a bite I would drink a big sip of my drink to wash it down fast.

September 4 Journal Topic

 What makes you smile? A recent study suggests that just the simple, physical act of moving your face into a smile can make you feel better try it (Did it work?)

My little brother always finds a way to put a smile on my face. I tried the smiling thing and it worked a little but not enough for the whole day. 


September 3 Journal entry

 I think that the words you choose define you as a person because people might be able to tell if your a more outgoing person or if you are a more straight to the point type of person. It also depends on the situation because if you were doing an important presentation you would try to sound more professional and if you are hanging out with friends your more relaxed and not so worried.

December 15

 If we were to go extinct I think it would be because of a virus just like covid-19, I think that if we were to be replaced it would be by chimpanzees because they are one of the smartest animals in the planet; and I've watched movies about chimpanzees taking over the world.

August 28


    Whenever I have tech issues, I try to fix it the same day but if that can't be done fast then in the mean time I use my phone instead of the computer to work on everything until the computer works again. 

Chapter four

 My first impression on chapter four is that the guy is very straightforward, how he just told them that the food wasn't as good as the other people, I know he said he was grateful but that's not showing gratefulness. 

September 18 Journal entry

 What did you do to help yourself in this class? Did it help you? I started going to a more quitter place to be able to put more attention a...