August 27

 I'm a quiet person and I get embarrassed easily even if a person just starts talking to me I still get embarrassed. I understand that people sometimes don't mean to make it embarrassing for you, but they still do, therefore even if I know the answer to a question a teacher asks I will not say it because I'm scared of getting it wrong.

Journal Entries #1

     August 25,

 I have always liked reading books and I miss the times where we had 30 minutes of silent reading. That being said or in this case typed, I can't relate to the people who don't like reading, but I'm guessing reading for them is just as boring as math is for me; maybe if I could understand how math works there's a higher chance I would like it. So I think that if maybe they took the time to look for a book that they find interesting they would like reading more. 


September 18 Journal entry

 What did you do to help yourself in this class? Did it help you? I started going to a more quitter place to be able to put more attention a...